Nitro page 5


1. It appears that the shadowy creature behind David (on the last page) has been shot. This is to be understood by the word "CHOOM" on the previous page. Exactly who this was, or why Pearl was in cahoots with a fox-person, will remain a mystery, it seems.

2. The second panel seems to denote the ship (containing Gonterman) speeding away from the scene of the previous page, which has self-destructed - this is not easy to discern, because in the second panel it hasn't happened yet. Chronologically it happens in the final one, so you may want to ignore that panel until it's relevant, and maybe hum a cheerful tune or play Cat's Cradle in the time you were going to spend figuring out what the hell is going on.

3. Note to producers of action movies: When trying to come up with catchy one-liners for your rugged heroes, please take into consideration the line "Shut up and light this candle already."